Be a Better Coach in 5 Minutes

By Toku

Take five minutes to connect with your commitment as a coach. My commitment is to serve those walking the path of awakening. I am NOT committed to getting likes or getting people to like me. When I forget this I get lost in whether my lack of likes means a lack of worth. 

So take five minutes right now to connect with why you became a coach, which likely has something to do with helping people, doing work that’s meaningful, and living a life that feels good to you. 

Feel that commitment in your body, take that commitment out on a walk, write your commitment down, or call a friend and share your commitment. It doesn’t take a long time to remind yourself of your commitments. And this small shift from how you’re doing, to why you’re doing it can have a HUGE impact on what you experience as you engage with the challenges and joys of being a coach.

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Great coaches enroll amazing clients.

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