Case Study: Claire Higgins created $14k while planning a wedding, moving into a new home, and getting pregnant.

By Toku

Claire Higgins Coaching MBA Case Study

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What was happening in your life and business when you started the coachingMBA and what did you want?


“I was taking it easy, I was in France having a break from doing not very much at the time I got the email about the mastermind. I had started to think maybe it was time I put more effort in and make something of my business. I had one client. I was about to move house and wanted to make a fresh start.”

Before the Mastermind Claire had always been serious about being a good coach. She had trained 1-1 with a powerful coach I know in the UK. She had been a part of 3 other programs I’ve run for coaches in the past and had even begun to train herself to train with and work with other coaches. 

And yet Claire seemed to be stuck in the cycle I see a lot of coaches stuck in. She would have a pretty full roster of clients that would fade away over time, followed by long stretches of few to no clients. These fits and starts were not only tiring they really impacted Claire’s confidence. After all there were other (less good) coaches around her with thriving practices. 

What hesitations did you have about joining the coachingMBA?

“I was worried whether it was the best thing to be spending my money on at that time.”

Having seen Claire do this over the years I wasn’t sure that the Mastermind was the right thing for her and she had the same question. But after a discussion together and creating some agreements (that she hire her own coach and that she commit a certain amount of time to coaching each week) we decided to work together to make this program different from anything else she’d done in the past.

What did you like best about the coachingMBA?

“The community aspect, the other people were amazing and everyone really pushed and challenged each other to grow. Your wisdom is also really valuable. I liked the accountability to not take it easy and be in action. I loved the first session about essence and coming from that place.”

On our first call Claire had been deeply moved by her connection to her essence, but she wasn’t getting that out into the world. Like many of the other programs I had done with Claire she was engaged, inspiring, and radiant as a member of the community 

But something wasn’t quite right. Even though I worked with her before, the action oriented stance of the Mastermind started to reveal that despite showing up as a good student, Claire was taking enough action outside of the classroom. I knew we needed to shift something. 

What specific results did you create inside the coachingMBA?


During the mastermind I signed the following clients –
A client for 3 months @ £2000 
  • A client for 3 months @ £1750 (has committed to next 3 months too) 
  • A client for 6 months @ £2500 
  • A client for 3 months @ £1000 
  • An ongoing client @ £200 a month 
  • An ongoing @ £50 a month

 This is what is possible with both a commitment to coaching, some simple structure, and most importantly a willingness to empower that structure on a regular basis.


How else have you benefited from the work we did in coachingMBA?


“I made great friends. I’m more likely to be in action. I got my own coach (who is great!) on my mission I have connected to my mission to connect people to God, to themselves, and their greatness. And most importantly I have a new relationship with structure 🙂 “

I can still remember the call where things shifted for Claire. It was a Friday accountability call and she was talking about why she hadn’t sat down to work on her business like she had committed to. She was talking about her limiting beliefs and how she needed to shift them when I stopped her. I said to her…

“At some point you just have to do the work, yes you can work on your resistance, yes you can shift your beliefs, but doing all of that before you do the work will keep you stuck forever. “

“When I just got to commit and get to work. That’s when you’ll really start to shift your beliefs and start to see things in a new way.”

After that things changed for Claire, she created a structure for herself and most importantly she empowered it by showing up to it consistently. She used the group to keep her accountable and to inspire her to get back into action when she got stuck. 

It was so simple, but it was just this simple step that had such an incredible impact on her as a coach. 

Pretty soon Claire started signing clients, and by the time the Mastermind was done she had created over $12,000 in new business. 

Would you recommend Toku and the coachingMBA?


“YES! I love you, you are wonderful. Loving and edgy at the same time :)”
“YES to the mastermind, it is a great space to grow as a coach with other awesome coaches growing with you. Coaches who are no longer super new but feel like they’ve lost a bit of their passion and drive and are getting bogged down with what they need to do and lost the fun and joy in following one’s life mission.”
“I really am grateful for this experience. It came at the right time, and gave me I think exactly what I was looking for. I’m definitely open to round 2 as an option to look at. So keep me in mind.”

Claire created something that’s so hard to create. She shifted something that she had struggled years to shift. And it wasn’t because of some crazy hack, or sales funnel. It happened because she applied herself in a new way, she made a commitment and worked through what showed up in the face of it. 

Claire embodies the truth that very often the biggest results aren’t the dollars (or pounds) we earn, but the changes we make in ourselves. That’s the real reason I love doing the mastermind, because not only do people create the foundation for a sustainable practice, they step into their calling to become a coach, and to me that’s the

thing that can start to change the world. 

You can learn more about Claire at

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