What does it mean to BE a great coach? – Integrity

By Toku

Integrity is about a relationship you have with yourself.


If you relate to yourself as someone who is better off doing what feels good in the moment then your integrity is likely low. 


If you relate to yourself as someone who can’t really be relied on, who can’t handle it when things get tough, your integrity is likely low.


If you relate to yourself as worthless or incapable, your integrity is likely low. 


A building has integrity because it follows a pattern, it’s rigid, it has structure, it’s built around a set of known principles. 


A tree has integrity because it grows towards the sun, is flexible and supple, it has it’s own pattern, but the pattern shifts and flows to its environment. 


What they have in common is there relationship to themselves. The building is an expression of its being, it’s the purpose, and aligns with it. It sees the value of its structure. 


A tree is an expression of its being and purpose. It aligns with it. It sees the value of its structure. 


Integrity isn’t about rigidity or flexibility,

it’s about how you relate to yourself and how aligned you are. 


A building knows how much stress it can handle, so does a tree. They understand how tough they are and they are willing to stand for who they are moment by moment. 


As a coach, your word and your being are your two greatest assets. 


You must stand for them and they must be something you align with. 


Without that, all you have are puffs of air and a vague website.

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