ODSC Framework #23: The Shift – Klaus & Inner Buddha

By Toku

Just as Toku’s last video described the tension between facilitative coaching and deep coaching, and how to combine both of these together to create Shift, today’s video talks about two different states of your being as a coach, and how the best opportunities from Shift are when we integrate the intuition of our inner selves with the coaching tools and techniques we’ve learned.

Get ready to be introduced to “Inner Buddha” and “Klaus”… two characters that are part of Toku’s being as coach…


See also the previous posts in this series:


The Open – Context, The Open – Agreements, The Open – Building Rapport, The Open – Bad Coach Distortion, The Open – Creating Awe

The Drop – What’s it All About?, The Drop – Zoomin’ In and Out, The Drop – Don’t Believe Your Clients, The Drop – The Right Place

The Shift – Creating the Shift, The Shift – The Reveal, The Shift – The Transform, The Shift – The Commit, The Shift – Ownership – Acceptance, The Shift – Where Does It Come From?, The Shift – Where Does It End?, The Shift – Knowing Where You’re Going, The Shift – HighlightingThe Shift – Letting Things Land, The Shift – Using Embodiment, and The Shift – Facilitation vs. Depth.

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