The Basics of Building Rapport

Many conversations around the coaching profession have to do with how to connect with potential clients. We spend a lot of time, energy, and money thinking about and considering lots of different approaches, strategies, techniques, and scenarios focused on finding clients, and while finding clients is essential, a lot of coaches are super weak in […]
Why you’re asking clients too many surface-level questions

There’s a simple mistake I’ve seen a lot of coaches make when they first talk to a prospective client. They get on the phone with a prospect to talk about working together, and they ask a lot of surface-level questions about various topics. It’s like they’re looking for a hook or a piece of information they can build off of and move deeper with, and if they don’t find it within a couple of minutes, they quickly move on to another topic.
4 Steps To Turn a Consulting Client Into a Coaching Client

Recently a coach asked me about how they could turn a consulting client into a coaching client. It’s a question I’ve gotten from other people as well. Therapists, healers, and consultants often want to bring more coaching into their work but they aren’t sure how to make the transition. And the answer is really not […]
From Sales Shame to a £38K Client

When Ross Boyd joined the coachingMBA he told me a story about being at a party when someone asked him what he did for a living. When he told them he was a coach he immediately burst out laughing. Even though he loved coaching he struggled to feel like a real professional coach. And it impacted everything […]