Escaping The First Stage Of Professional Coaching

There are a lot of coaches like you who are trying to escape the first stage of coaching and get to the next level of professional coaching. What is Stage 1? A stage I often call the not enough stage, because there’s not enough clients and not enough money. This stage is where most coaches […]

The Four Stages of a Coaching Business

When I first started coaching, I thought . . . If I can just charge a hundred dollars an hour, then I’ll have made it. Then I thought . . . If I can just go to a Rich Litvin intensive, then I’ll have made it. And then . . . If I can join 4PC, make over […]

The First Rule of Open Mat Sparring…

“Gentlemen, welcome to Fight Club. The first rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club. The second rule of Fight Club is: YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB. Third rule of Fight Club: Someone yells “Stop!”, goes limp, taps out, the fight is over. Fourth rule: Only two guys to […]

Take the Crap Out of Your Coaching

Let’s forget about coaching for a minute. I want to know: how are you taking care of yourself? Are you getting enough sleep? Eating right? Exercising? Meditating? Are you going to the bathroom regularly? (Yes, I really went there.) I’m asking this because I care about your well-being. How well you take care of yourself […]

Is Your Coaching Masterful, or Just Mediocre?

As you walk the path toward excellence as a coach, how do you know you are following the right trail? How do you ensure you don’t look back ten years from now and see yourself in the same place, the same mindset, with minimal growth? Practice, Practice, Practice is the way, as you have heard […]

The Amazing Power of Sparring

In the Dojo, we talk about coaching as a martial art, because coaching is about the battle for possibility in the face of cynicism and resignation. Some people talk about coaching from an academic perspective. They talk about practicums, supervision, and certification. Some people talk about coaching from a spiritual perspective. They talk about energy, […]

How to Turn Shifts into Clients

Some coaches say clients pay you for results. Others say they pay you for the powerful insights you generate. And still others say it’s the possibility you get them present to. But no matter how you talk about it, what your clients are paying you for directly or indirectly is what happens in the insight […]

The Drop Deeper Into Coaching Challenge – Part 2

[While this post works on its own, you might enjoy reading Part 1, which you can find here.] I also want to invite you to practice both Calmness and Activity in the Shift phase, with us in our upcoming OPEN MAT SPARRING session, happening on Wednesday, January 23, at 2pm EST. You can reserve your […]

The Drop Deeper Into Coaching Challenge – Part 1

Activity in the midst of Calmness in the Shift phase If you care about coaching, you care about creating change. You want your client’s lives to shift, you want them to see new possibility, you want their dreams to come true. While this can happen anywhere in a coach conversation, the Shift phase is where […]

The Two Ways Coaches Look at Insight (and Why Both Are Right AND Wrong)

There are two ways coaches tend to look at insights: 1) Insights are miraculous. Coaches who look at insights in this way tend to have Drop and Shift phases that are spacious, open, winding, and flowing. They don’t want to direct, they don’t want to control—they want this insights to happen.