Guaranteeing Next Steps: The Two Doorways Out of a Sales Conversation
Something I wish I could instill in every coach is to always get prospects on the phone. It’s the best way to guarantee positive next steps. Unfortunately, most coaches don’t do this. It drives me crazy because, even if you suck at sales or you’re bad on the phone, even the worst salesperson is more effective […]
Why Coaches Hate Sales
If you’re a coach, you’ve probably felt some initial aversion to the idea of “sales”, or of “selling” yourself and your services to others. It goes against your very nature as a coach, as someone who wants to help, inspire, motivate, and uplift others. I know this because I’ve felt it, too. Now, there’s a […]
Coaching is All About Context
From the outside looking in, coaching is simple. A client shows up. You ask them what they want. They tell you. You ask some more questions, to help uncover what it is they want more deeply, clearly, and fully. You ask them what their current limitations are, what’s in the way of what they want […]
Coaching Podcasts: Revisiting 3 of My Best Interviews
Over the years I’ve been interviewed on some great podcasts, but while some of you have heard or listened to these interviews many of you haven’t. This is why I wanted to go back and revisit 3 of them and share my biggest takeaways from recording them. THE COACHES JOURNEY PODCAST – Episode 15 – Sales […]
What To Do if Your Coaching Client Wants To Quit: 4 Easy Steps
It’s morning. You wake up, pour your coffee, and sit down at your desk. Waiting for you in your inbox is an email from one of your clients telling you that they think your work together has come to an end. You feel a sense of shock and surprise. Maybe some part of you knew […]
Where I Find My Coaching Clients and Where You Can Find Yours Too
I’ve talked to literally hundreds of coaches like you who want to build a thriving coaching practice and the number one problem that shows up, again and again, is finding clients. So if you’ve ever thought to yourself, wow I wish I had more clients but I don’t know where to start, keep reading. My […]
Where I Find My Coaching Clients and Where You Can Find Yours Too
I’ve talked to literally hundreds of coaches like you who want to build a thriving coaching practice and the number one problem that shows up, again and again, is finding clients. So if you’ve ever thought to yourself, wow I wish I had more clients but I don’t know where to start, keep reading. My […]
10 Things You Don’t Need To Apologize for as a Coach
A lot of coaches I meet apologize for things way too often. Sometimes these apologies are overt, “I’m sorry I upset you by holding you accountable.” Sometimes these apologies are subtle “I’m not actually saying this out loud but I’m sorry I’m charging more than you might have expected for coaching” Most of these apologies […]