What Does It Actually Take To Become a Six-Figure Coach?

By Toku

Through the coachingMBA Jonny was able to transform his business and become a six figure coach

Why do some coaches create incredible results while others struggle? 

The answer is simple: the coaches that do the work, actually take the ideas, test them out, and keep going even when they face challenges. Those are the coaches that get the biggest results. 

This is why when I built the coachingMBA I designed it to make commitment and action a requirement instead of just a hopeful wish. And that’s the reason coaches who graduate the coachingMBA don’t just experience growth inside the mastermind (every graduate has raised their rates and signed more clients in the mastermind), they go on to keep growing their coaching practices, improving their coaching skills, and pushing the edges of what it means to be a masterful coach. 

So today I’m going to share a case study of how one of our graduates did just that and the lessons you can take from his experience. 

Inside the mastermind, Jonny created a $25k quarter which is pretty impressive in itself, but what’s even more impressive is that he took the lessons he learned and went on to have his first 6 figure year. 

In this case study I share the 3 big lessons that Jonny learned:

  1. Real change requires a change in being.
  2. Confidence never comes first.
  3. The best coaches demand the best from their clients.

I’m also going to share how mastering these lessons changed Jonny’s practice and relationship to coaching in a profound way. 

As a result of mastering these lessons, Jonny:

  1. Rediscovered who he was.
  2. Overcame his imposter syndrome.
  3. Started coaching more powerfully.

This isn’t like any of my other case studies where I just talk about the success a client has created. Instead, in this case study, I really dig into the lessons he learned so that you can take some of Jonny’s magic with you. 

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