What You’re Worth as a Coach
We tend to think about worth in relationship to what we do for people. Beyonce deserves to make a ton of money because of the singing and performing she does. I can charge a thousand dollars per hour because of the kind of coaching I do. A brilliant programmer deserves to make $100k+ a year […]
PROSPEROUS COACH SECRETS DECODED – Chapter 1 – Why isn’t this working? – (Coaching Dojo Live)
THE PROSPEROUS COACH DECODED – (Coaching Dojo Live) Chapter 1 – Why isn’t this working? WHAT IT SAYS: This experience is normal, the confusion, the challenge It creates that something is possible that things can be different It says I’ve been there too Scarcity mindset – You’ve got it Fearlessness – A lot of […]
What does it mean to BE a great coach? – Integrity
Integrity is about a relationship you have with yourself. If you relate to yourself as someone who is better off doing what feels good in the moment then your integrity is likely low. If you relate to yourself as someone who can’t really be relied on, who can’t handle it when things get […]
What does it mean to be a great coach? – Authenticity
Being authentic is a bit of a trap. The more you try to do it very often the less authentic you end up being. In trying to be yourself you end up not being yourself, you become a sort of performance of yourself, self-conscious, unsure, and full of doubts and fears. Your attention is fully […]
DEPTH. . . You can fake a lot of things as a coach. You can fake knowledge, certainty, skill, and confidence. But depth is hard to fake. You can ask deep questions and talk real slow like, but when people are with you they feel something. They feel the depth of your breath, they feel […]
What does it mean to embody a great or masterful coach?
I remember once standing in the lobby of a coaching event and a new coach came up to me and said someday I want to be a coach like you. What did they mean? I wondered to myself. Yet I get what he’s talking about. Within a few minutes of meeting a coach, I can […]
Poetry Can’t Get You Clients
A few months ago I started writing poetry. In truth, I’ve been writing poetry all my life, in moments of contemplation, in moments of love, in moments of difficulty poetry, has always been something I’ve turned to. And yet as I began to write it I had a thought. Who’s going to hire me because […]
My 3 Secrets to Winning the Coaching Adventure Game by Francesca Woltanski
Today we have a special post from our friend and fellow coach Francesca Woltanski. She highlights her experience with the Coaching Adventure Game and tells us how she won! Check it out below.
Coaches Are Selfish
Asking for money is selfish, so is reaching out to someone with an agenda, in fact, most of what you need to do as a coach to be successful is selfish. It isn’t true or at least it’s not the whole truth, but that won’t stop you from thinking it’s true. Even if you think […]
Am I Compromising Too Much?
From time to time every coach gets caught in one of three binds. In some ways, these binds are completely made up by us, in another way they align with the way the humans have always created the world. You can’t get free of these binds really, they will show up in one form or […]