Making Connections: Thinking About Who to Sell To

One of the complaints I hear most often from coaches is that they don’t know where to find clients. They know they need to be out there looking for people to serve. They understand that just having a website or posting on social media isn’t going to create clients quickly, especially if you’re just getting […]
What To Do if Your Coaching Client Wants To Quit: 4 Easy Steps
It’s morning. You wake up, pour your coffee, and sit down at your desk. Waiting for you in your inbox is an email from one of your clients telling you that they think your work together has come to an end. You feel a sense of shock and surprise. Maybe some part of you knew […]
Where I Find My Coaching Clients and Where You Can Find Yours Too
I’ve talked to literally hundreds of coaches like you who want to build a thriving coaching practice and the number one problem that shows up, again and again, is finding clients. So if you’ve ever thought to yourself, wow I wish I had more clients but I don’t know where to start, keep reading. My […]