Where I Find My Coaching Clients and Where You Can Find Yours Too
I’ve talked to literally hundreds of coaches like you who want to build a thriving coaching practice and the number one problem that shows up, again and again, is finding clients. So if you’ve ever thought to yourself, wow I wish I had more clients but I don’t know where to start, keep reading. My […]
What Does It Actually Take To Become a Six-Figure Coach?
Why do some coaches create incredible results while others struggle? The answer is simple: the coaches that do the work, actually take the ideas, test them out, and keep going even when they face challenges. Those are the coaches that get the biggest results. This is why when I built the coachingMBA I designed it […]
Coaches Rising: The Path to Coaching Mastery
My interview on The Coach’s Rising Podcast. In this episode, we talk about: The Secret of Mastery Toku believes that mastery is about not knowing anything; knowing that you don’t know. To be the best you can therefore, is to stay in beginner mind. If you think you’re a master coach that thought will be the […]
Coaches Journey: Sales with Honour & Love on the end of the Sword
My interview on The Coach’s Journey Podcast. In this episode, we talk about: The practice of raising your rates – why there is a particular time as a coach to set a rate and stick to it. The role of Zen Buddhism in coaching – how to sit with death as our altar and why […]