Coaching Podcasts: Revisiting 3 of My Best Interviews

Toku McCree is a life coach. Listen to his three best interviews here.

Over the years I’ve been interviewed on some great podcasts, but while some of you have heard or listened to these interviews many of you haven’t. This is why I wanted to go back and revisit 3 of them and share my biggest takeaways from recording them.  THE COACHES JOURNEY PODCAST – Episode 15 – Sales […]

Where I Find My Coaching Clients and Where You Can Find Yours Too

Two people on a bench, having a conversation is one of the best ways to find new coaching clients if you're just getting started as a life coach.

I’ve talked to literally hundreds of coaches like you who want to build a thriving coaching practice and the number one problem that shows up, again and again, is finding clients. So if you’ve ever thought to yourself, wow I wish I had more clients but I don’t know where to start, keep reading. My […]

10 Things You Don’t Need To Apologize for as a Coach

Many life coaches have the problem of apologizing too much. Here's a list of ten things you don't need to apologize for as a coach.

A lot of coaches I meet apologize for things way too often. Sometimes these apologies are overt, “I’m sorry I upset you by holding you accountable.” Sometimes these apologies are subtle “I’m not actually saying this out loud but I’m sorry I’m charging more than you might have expected for coaching” Most of these apologies […]

What Does It Actually Take To Become a Six-Figure Coach?

Through the coachingMBA Jonny was able to transform his business and become a six figure coach

Why do some coaches create incredible results while others struggle?  The answer is simple: the coaches that do the work, actually take the ideas, test them out, and keep going even when they face challenges. Those are the coaches that get the biggest results.  This is why when I built the coachingMBA I designed it […]

How to Road Trip and Grow a Coaching Business

Kelby increased his confidence, signed his biggest client, and developed life long friendships all while living in an RV and working as a digital nomad.

I hear coaches talk a lot about how the things in their lives keep them from having the kind of business they want and how if they could just get things more organized they would be able to finally make progress on building their practice.  But from the very first time I met Kelby, I […]

How To Bring Your Coaching Practice Back From the Dead

Kevin went from having a 1 - 2 clients for the past few years to 6 clients and $9k of revenue inside the coachingMBA

“I got more clients in the 6 months of the coachingMBA than I had, had in the previous 2-3 years.” Before joining the ​​coachingMBA, Kevin was like a lot of coaches I’ve known. He LOVED coaching, he had done hundreds if not thousands of hours of training. He had worked on his business in fits […]

From Sales Shame to a £38K Client

Ross Boyd Case Study

When Ross Boyd joined the coachingMBA he told me a story about being at a party when someone asked him what he did for a living. When he told them he was a coach he immediately burst out laughing. Even though he loved coaching he struggled to feel like a real professional coach. And it impacted everything […]